This or That?

abstract art art contemporary art creative writing digital art drawings home decor paintings regiaart

Is the glass half empty or half full?

If you see a half full glass you’re an optimist.

A person that views the situation optimistically or hopefully.

The opposite that is, the glass is half empty you have a pessimistic view of life.

Ideas for Becoming a Glass Half-Full Person

  • Set Your Intention

Define your objectives for the future.

  • Perform an Act of Courage.

Make something that you’re afraid of doing.

  • Reframe a Problem into an Opportunity.

Why this is a problem in the first place?

Did you know that when we brainstorm bad ideas, it can lead to good ideas?

Dig down and then start from the ground up.

Other People’s Art or RegiaArt?


Free coffee or free donut?

Peek into your future or change something in your past?

Stressed or depressed?

Hot or cold soup?

Peek into your future or change something in your past?

Achieve world peace or end global hunger?

Green tea Frappuccino or hot tea?

Drink orange juice thinking it’s beer or drink beer thinking it is orange juice?

Flying car/bike or amphibious car?

Sing in public or dance in public?

Bigger or smaller?

Watery eyes or runny nose?

Lose your mobile phone or lose your wallet?

Starving artist or struggling engineer?

Poor yet kind or rich yet mean?

Overdressed or underdressed?

Second chance to a cheater or second shot at love with someone new?

Sir Macdonald 1 or Sir Macdonald 2?

Sir Macdonald by Regia Marinho.

No hot water or no room air conditioner?

Getting up early or staying up late?

This lady or that lady?

Digital art by Regia Marinho.

Always forget who you are or always forget who everyone else is?

No electricity for a day or no water for a day?

New York or Lisbon?

Chiang Mai or Ho Chi Minh City?

Never grow older than 17 or never grow older than 47?

Look back or Look forward?

Digital art by Regia Marinho

Hope You See Half Full Glass.

That’s what I have for today.


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