Very Peri is the color of the year 2022.
Pantone has officially revealed its color of the year for 2022:
“Very Peri.” 17–3938.
This year’s color is a periwinkle blue with violet-red undertones designed, with the glowing screens of our digital world in mind.
The color of the year is determined by the Pantone Color Institute.
The Pantone Color Institute is a global authority on color with offices in New York, San Francisco, and Connecticut.
The institute has an extensive database of over 2,000 colors and a group of specially trained color scientists who select the color of the year.
They meet once a year to vote on the color of the year.
For years, Pantone, a company based in Carlstadt, N.J., has reigned as the de facto color authority. The company chooses a color of the year, based on design trends it sees in various industries.
Pantone has been the pronounced color of the year since 2000. Its choice often bleeds into fashion and design, and brands produce and sell goods in that color.
The colors of the year are always chosen from nature, such as flowers, gems, and others.
There are no specific style restrictions on the colors of the year, and you can use them to decorate in any style you like.
What is the Color of the Year?
The color of the year is a single color that is selected to reflect the mood, lifestyle, and fashion of the current year.
For example, The color of the year for 2014 was Radiant Orchid. Radiant Orchid is a bright purple color that was selected to reflect the social trends of 2014.
What Does the Color of the Year Mean for Designers?
The color of the year is a great resource for designers and is used to help create a cohesive color scheme in their work.
Using the color of the year in your design will help you market your products or services to the current color trends.
How Can You Use the Color of the Year?
The color of the year is used in marketing, graphic design, home decorating, fashion, textile,…
It is really easy to use the color of the year.
If you are a graphic designer, you can incorporate the color of the year in your design.
The color of the year is not a trend. It is a forecast of the color that will be popular for the coming year. So, if you want to use the color of the year in your next design, you are just following the color trends. As you can see, the color of the year is a valuable resource for designers, marketers, and anyone who wants to stay ahead of the color trends.
Very Peri.
Very Peri is a combination of the digital world that everyone has seen and the physical world, or what is seen in nature.
The Pantone Color Institute has identified periwinkle blue as a color that is present in digital design and gaming, and also exists in the outside world in the form of flowers and bluebirds, among other things. This represents the combination of the two worlds in our lives, the digital and the analog.
Periwinkle blue

Pantone describes the color as “courageous,” “imaginative,” “empowering,” “dynamic novel presence,” “whimsical aesthetic,” “joyous,” and “futuristic,” making it a shade that offers up some hope as we enter another year of uncertainty.
It’s a good color to wear in the morning, or in the afternoon, or at night.
It’s a good color to wear when you’re feeling sad, or when you’re feeling happy, or when you’re feeling something in between.
It’s a good color to wear on a date, or on a trip, or when you’re just hanging out.
It’s a good color to wear if you want to make a statement, or if you don’t want to make a statement, or if you don’t care whether or not you make a statement.
It’s a good color to wear if you like attention, or if you don’t like attention, or if you don’t care whether or not you get attention.
It’s a good color to wear if you’re feeling creative, or if you’re feeling practical, or if you don’t care whether you’re feeling creative or practical.
It’s a good color to wear if you’re feeling happy, or if you’re feeling sad, or if you don’t care whether you’re feeling happy or sad.
It’s a good color to wear in the summer, or in the winter, or year-round.
It’s a good color to wear if you’re single, or if you’re in a relationship, or if you don’t care whether or not you’re single or in a relationship.
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